Kitchen Design Trends in 2022 That You Will Love

      Food is always a big part of any home, and we think the kitchen design is one of the most essential features of your home. In fact, not having the right design can be one of the leading causes of house fires — so it’s important to get the most out of your home-based kitchen. In addition, cultivating an atmosphere of peace and tranquility is one of the best benefits of having a well-designed kitchen. Finally, when done right, a well-designed kitchen is a creative space with fun energy all day long. From active lifestyles to modern kitchens, there are many different ways that you can make your home-based kitchen great this year. So let’s explore some trends in design that you will love this year!

The modern kitchen is here

Well, this may not be the most popular kitchen design trend, but there is a sense of the modern in the kitchen. It’s evident in contemporary kitchens, with the appliances and designs we see today. There is a marked difference between the modern and the traditional. If anything, the industrial and the contemporary will likely be more closely related. The modern kitchen has become almost a cliché, but there is some truth. People realized that food could be prepared quickly and easily during the Industrial Revolution. This was due to the advent of refrigeration and mass production. In the kitchen, this meant that people started to use five-button cookers and electric stoves. These were in many ways more efficient than the hand-held items previously used to prepare meals. While the modern kitchen is a step in the right direction, there is still a long way to go before we get to the perfect state of the kitchen. From design to functionality, several trends will continue to shape the kitchen in 2022.

Stacking bowls

Stacking bowls is one of the oldest kitchen trends. It is one of the first trends to become popular in the 20th century, and it is still in plenty of favor among home improvement stores today. In fact, one of the things that people love about their kitchen is the fact that they can stack them up and carry them around in their kitchen cabinets and kitchen cupboards. This is great when you have guests over for dinner and you don’t have any room in the house. It’s also great for increased efficiency when you use several dishes in a batch. Stacking bowls is a two-person activity; you will want to practice this at home before starting the task. You will need a sturdy wooden spoon or a metal spoon to do this, and you will probably want to put a towel-bag over your spoon to protect it from damage. If you are using the glasses as dishes, you will probably want to put them in a large saucepan or casserole dish. This way, you won’t likely break the glasses when you put the dish in the oven or the oven tray. If you’re using the glasses as vases, you will probably put them in a glass vase rather than a pot. This way, you won’t likely break the glasses when you put the vase in the burner and cook the food. And finally, you will likely want to use the spoon as a salad spoon — make sure to purchase a large bowl salad spoon so that you have plenty of room for all the leaves and other ingredients. This is because you will likely be using the spoon as a part of the salad for the rest of the day. So, ensure your spoon maintenance is checked by a professional before using it in your home kitchen.

Everything in glass

This one will surprise you. If you’ve been drinking coffee for the past couple of days, you may have noticed that the glass is the only thing that is not serving as a vessel for the other ingredients. That is because everything in glass is edible. You can break, you can skin, you can eat, and you can make a delicious cup of coffee. The possibilities are endless! The glass is also excellent for other kitchen decorating techniques, such as using designs printed on the back of glasses to decorate the walls or on the countertops. Another useful aspect of glass is that it is easy to clean. This means you don’t need to scrub hard or use a scrubbing board or other tools when cleaning glasses. Instead, you can simply rinse off with water and let the heat from the water evaporate out of the clean glass. You don’t need to worry about scorching or burning eyes or fingertips.

New Take On The Color Wheel

This one will shock us all. The color wheel is actually a very old kitchen design trend. We don’t know whether it is about to become a very modern thing or not, but it is definitely a trend that will continue to flourish in 2022. The color wheel will be great for adding that designer flair to the kitchen. This is because there are many different colors that one can choose from in order to create a very diverse range of décor in the kitchen.

Classic Practice In Decorating

If you love classic kitchen designs, there is no time to be lost this year. As we said above, the color wheel is in the cards for 2022, and we can expect it to be an excellent addition to the classic kitchen. What will be great about this is that there will not be any changes in how we prepare food. We will be able to enjoy our meals as usual, with the same delicious food we have eaten for the past few decades. You can make your home-based kitchen great this year in many different ways. From active lifestyles to modern kitchens, there are many different ways that you can make your home-based kitchen great this year. 

Painted Decals Are Here!

This one will shock you — but you would be wise to heed the warning signs. The color white was the color of authority, and it became an issue when people started to wear different colors in public. In fact, people have been wearing different colors since then — most notably the black and white schemes that are found on many Australian clothes today.

Baby Shower Invitation Prints are Here!

This one is a no-brainer. You will want to prepare for the baby’s first day of life by painting your kitchen walls and making sure that they are bright and colorful. This will help to avoid any issues with the baby’s eye color. While there are many different ways that you can decorate for the baby’s first day of life, there is one way that we recommend that you try out.


Ready to take your kitchen to the next level this year? Start by purchasing a big statement kitchen table. It will give your kitchen a classic and elegant look that will last for years to come. When it comes to kitchen cabinets Gold Coast designing a great kitchen, there are a few things that you will want to keep in mind this year. So choose your style, get started with a kitchen design gallery today! Contact the Cpari QLD's kitchen builders Brisbane now.


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